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Si fa presto a dire terroir

Ok, è un termine francese, ma negli ultimi 10 anni, nessuno è stato in grado di trovare un termine migliore e più esaustivo, nonostante ‘terroir’ sia ancora una delle parole più utilizzate ma spesso meno comprese nel modnto del vino.
A a che fare con il Clima
A a che fare con la Geografia
A a che fare con la Geologia
Ma anche con i Microrganismi
E ovviamente anche con gli Uomini
ed è infine un itelligibile ma indescrivibile mix di tutti questi elementi ed altri ancora.

Questa immagine, rappresenta la migliore descrizione di Terroir, scovata girando per vigneti, in Nuova Zelanda

Da un punto di vista geologico, Pieve de’ Pitti è l’esempio perfetto della varietà che caratterizza le Terre di Pisa.

Sulla collina di Pieve de’ Pitti, sono presenti infatti molte delle formazioni geologiche caratteristiche della Valdera, a partire dalle sabbie e dalle argille Plioceniche, fino ai terrazzamenti alluvionali di argilla blu.
In una varietà di tessiture, colori, chimica, pereabilità densità e fertilità che costituisce un elemento unico e di grande potenziale nel panorama viticolo toscano.
Combina tutti questi elementi su una collina che affaccia, con pendii scoscesi nerso Sud-Ovest e sia pre verso Sud-est con ampie terrazze pianeggianti .

Poi aggiungi il sole, che danza attorno alla Villa, e il vento di Libeccio ovviamente, che soffia costantemente da Sud-Ovest, quando non lascia spazio ad un po’ di Maestrale o di Grecale.

Non è esattamente semplice, vero?

Di conseguenza, non abbiamo avuto altra scelta che piantare una vigna su ognuno di questi suoli, tutti egualmente vocati alla viticoltura. Questa è la principale ragione della varietà dei vitigni che coltiviamo a Pieve de’ Pitti.
Li abbiamo scelti tra quelli più adatti a sfruttare le potenzialità di ogni diversa combinazione di suolo, vento, sole, acqua

i nostri suoli, in termini geologici

Nelle Terre di Pisa affiorano formazioni geologiche che si sono depositate in un intervallo cronostratigrafico, di circa 300 milioni di anni, che va dal Paleozoico (probabilmente Carbonifero) al Quaternario.
Nelle Colline Pisane a sud dell’Arno affiorano estesamente i sedimenti neogenici del complesso neoautoctono. Si tratta di sedimenti trasgressivi sia marini che lacustri che si sono depositati in concomitanza di episodi distensivi dal Miocene superiore al Quaternario. Le Formazioni affioranti a maggiore contenuto fossilifero sono quelle dell’Arenaria di Ponsano (Tortoniano inferiore), delle Argille azzurre, Calcarenite e sabbie ad Amphistegina e Formazione di Villamagna (Pliocene) e delle Sabbie e argille ad Arctica, Sabbie di Nugula Vecchia e della Formazione di Casa Poggio ai Lecci (Pleistocene). In queste formazioni si rinvengono Bivalvi, Gasteropodi, Brachiopodi, Echinoidi, Cirripedi, Pesci, Rettili e Mammiferi, sia Marini che continentali
Per questo motivo, geologicamente, questa piana è interamente costituita da depositi di ambiente diverso: mare, lago, fiume, rappresentati da argille, sabbie e ghiaie con giacimenti di torba e lignite, variamente disposti in strati e lenti discontinue più̀ o meno spessi, tutti inclinati da levante a ponente. In superficie la parte centrale della piana appare attualmente costituita da alluvioni fluviali, mentre nelle parti periferiche affiorano argille lacustri.

La geologia e la geografia dei luoghi hanno guidato le nostre scelte nell’impianto delle viti, con l’obiettivo di massimizzare l’influenza degli elementi naturali sulla maturazione e sull’espressione varietale del vitigno.
Pieve de’ Pitti è un luogo fortunato.
Il mare è a due passi e le brezze marine soffiano costantemente sui vigneti orientati a Ovest e Sud-Ovest.
L’oceano  ha ricoperto queste colline per migliaia di anni: i suoli sono ricchi di conchiglie, fossili e coralli.
Sull’altro lato, rivolto ad Est, il fiume Sterza scorre ora placido ma in passato era largo, impetuoso e fertile. I vigneti sul versante Est sono stati impiantati su un terrazzamento pianeggiante, creato nei secoli dal sussegursi di fenomeni esondativi. I colori della terra sono brillanti, di un rosso accesso, lì. Niente conchiglie ad Est, ma grossi sassi bianchi e rotondi, che rendono il nostro lavoro in vigna più difficile ma che riflettono sulle uve la radiazione solare durante l’intero arco della giornata, regalando al Sangiovese una maturazione equilibrata e completa.

la mappa dei nostri terreni, del sole e dei venti,


Just left us a 5 star review


We had a great time learning about the wine and different things that impact the taste of the wine. On top of that, the wine was superb and the food paired perfectly. We will definitely be coming back for some other experiences like cooking lessons and picnics in the vineyards.

Caterina is a very knowledgeable and passionate expert. Speaks excellent English and has traveled the world.

This experience was amazing well beyond expectations, we totally think everyone should visit xoxo

It was super nice. We have learned a lot about wine and the associated winery. Caterine made it interesting. We also made new friends there. Super magical !!! One of the best winetastings I have done 🥰


We had a wonderful experience and a delightful lunch. Beautiful views with good wine. Would recommend.

We highly recommend this experience! We learned so much from Caterina. The wine pairing was so nice. Fantastic wines to sample and very delicious food. Lovely setting as well!

Tolle Unterkunft mit schönem Pool! Gerne wieder :)

Diese Weintour ist nicht wie jede andere. Caterina erzählt super interessant und informativ über ihren Weinberg und das Unternehmen. Alles ist sehr persönlich. Das Essen, welches passend zu jedem Wein gereicht wird, ist unfassbar lecker und mehr als ausreichend. Wir haben den Abend sehr genossen und kommen auf jeden Fall wieder.


A must do if you are in the area!

Wir, eine fünfköpfige, erwachsene Familie mit Hund und Partnern, haben es geliebt! Die Wohnung ist wunderschön und bietet durch die eigenen Badezimmer genug Privatsphäre und in der Küche und Wohnzimmer einen idealen Aufenthaltsraum. Der Hof, Garten und Pool sind unglaublich gepflegt und wunderschön. Wir haben den Aufenthalt wirklich in vollen Zügen genossen und kommen definitiv wieder. Der Ort ist die perfekte Ausgangslage, um die Toskana zu erkunden.


Super ervaring, deze wijntour is origineel en wat je zeker niet wil missen! Wandeling door de wijngaard, Caterina vertelt vol passie en de proeverij inclusief hapjes (bijna volledig diner) is echt overheerlijk! DOEN !

Amazing tour. We learned a lot. Caterina is super knowledgeable and the wines and food were amazing. The description says there will be good/plentiful food with the pairings, but this was above and beyond. And the price was just right - it felt like an amazing deal for all that was included…

This was a really fun wine tour!

We can’t recommend this experience enough. The knowledge that Caterina has gathered and the way that she explains it is amazing like a fairytale.

We had an amazing time at the wine tour and the tasting! We would 100% recommend it to everyone who is looking for an extraordinary wine experience in Tuscany! Caterina is a really passionate and knowledgeable guide and it was very interesting to learn more about the art of wine design and making!

loved everything. well worth it.


A beautiful setting with stunning wine and tasty food. Felt very personal and a lucky to learn about the vines and be welcomed into their home

Thank you for having us - we loved Catherine and her family as host and enjoyed the outstanding wines and homemade food


what an incredible evening! The views from the vine yard were spectacular, we loved having a walk through the vines. Learning all about the growing and agriculture of grapes was fascinating. Caterina's knowledge was vast, and she is clearly very passionate about it. The food and wine pairings were fab too.

Beautiful place. Great wine and food was delicious! We did not get the tour due to rain but enjoyed the experience. Had a problem getting there because we followed the 2 signs that pointed to parking and got stuck in mud for 2 days. Caterina and her dad helped to send a tow truck and crew that got us out.


We loved the entire experience! The tour of the vineyards was interesting, and the wine and food were both amazing. We would highly recommend this for anyone who wants to do some wine tasting in an intimate setting!

A really enjoyable experience in a beautiful location. Caterina was a great host, very engaging, passionate and a good story teller. We loved her delicious wines and learning how they were made and what made them unique. The food cooked by her mum was the best I had whilst in Italy. Would definitely recommend this for anyone looking for a wine tasting and vineyard tour. A highlight of our trip.

We were very impressed with the afternoon, the tour and the winery. Although we are wine enthusiasts, we learned many incredibly interesting things about the whole process - from the soil to the perfect bottle of wine. But what makes the whole experience special and authentic is the passion Caterina has for wine and the whole wine making process. The wines were outstanding and perfectly paired with the food served.

Passionately told story of the vineyards and a family’s journey. Wonderful experience with Caterina and her beautiful vineyard and grounds.

Una magnifica experiencia a través de una persona maravillosa que te explica y traslada todo su experiencia y pasión por el vino

It was a must have wine tasting. Our host really show us the winery, we learnt a lot! The wine tasting amd the food were brilliant 10/10. Absoulety recommend experience!

It was a must have wine tasting. Our host really show us the winery, we learnt a lot! The wine tasting amd the food were brilliant 10/10. Absoulety recommend experience!


Exceeded our expectations!!! We were looking for a fun wine tasting experience with pretty views, and what we got was so much more than that. First of all, this place is beautiful. The gorgeous views are one thing, but the historical buildings and grounds were even more surprising. After our tour of the grounds, we were greeted by a set table in the garden, where we spent two hours tasting wine and enjoying incredible food made by the owner herself. We were so surprised by the quality and quantity of the food, it was all so delicious and above and beyond what we were expecting. Come hungry, we left so full and delighted. We spent our time with Mateo, who was kind, knowledgeable (he is a well-traveled sommelier), funny, and easy to chat with. He made us feel so at home and is all around an awesome guy. We left feeling shocked with how wonderful of an experience it was. We both agreed it was the highlight of our trip thus far. In the states, we would have easily been charged $300 for this intimate and well-rounded experience. We would recommend this to anyone, and we couldn’t recommend it more.

My partner and I really enjoyed our time at Pieve de Pitti winery with Caterina! We ended up being the only people on our tour and enjoyed an educational and delicious experience. Highly recommend.


Bella esperienza vinicola nelle Terre di Pisa. La degustazione ha compreso 6 vini differenti e cibo cucinato direttamente dalla mamma di Caterina. Sicuramente da provare, Caterina trasmette la propria passione per il vino


Bella esperienza vinicola nelle Terre di Pisa. La degustazione ha compreso 6 vini differenti e cibo cucinato direttamente dalla mamma di Caterina. Sicuramente da provare, Caterina trasmette la propria passione per il vino

This is a great way to learn about a family owned and run vineyard in the Pisa area. We really enjoyed being out amongst the vines and learnt a huge amount about wine making and growing the different varieties of grapes. The food was incredible and we enjoyed a leisurely few hours sampling six different wines 😊

Eine tolle Erfahrung mit ausgezeichnetem Wein, leckerem Essen und einer super sympathischen Gastgeberin!

This experience was unlike anything we could have imagined. Caterina is an excellent storyteller and her work in the vineyard is deeply inspiring. I can’t even begin to imagine how much thought, time and energy goes into the wine that Caterina masterfully creates. On top of the fantastic wine, the location is absolutely breathtaking and left us in complete awe. There’s truly nothing like it. I can keep going but at the end of the day, this experience is something we will never forget.

An amazing experience for our family. We appreciated the hospitality and experience while learning so much about wine, all while discovering new preferences. We will absolutely do this again on our next visit to the area!


This wine experience was truly something extra! Caterina is incredibly passionate about organic wine making and taught us about different types of grapes, soil and other things that affect the wine growing process. The wine was paired with various homemade local dishes that were absolutely delicious. We wished we had known that they have apartments as well so we could have stayed in this beautiful place!

Good experience if you want to learn more about local wines

Would absolutely recommend to anyone. Caterina is an excellent host. Very knowledgeable and passionate. Was so interesting to learn about all the different varieties and how they grow. Also the food was amazing. Go and book a tour. You will love it.

We need six stars ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 are not enough! A real and great experience in making 🍷. You can touch the feeling in wine creation and taste some excellent food with excellent wine. Caterina is simply a great ‘cicerone’ with passion and competence. Her family great guest for a great and immersive experience. You have to try! Definitely! Lamberto & Enrica

We absolutely loved everything about this tour in Caterina‘s vineyards. Pieve de Pitti is a magical place offering a breathtaking view. The tour in the vineyards, the wine and the food were excellent! We would definitely do it again.

Best thing we did in Tuscany! Such a wonderful experience can’t recommend enough. Started with a very personal tour of the vineyard, asking questions etc. beautiful stop mid vineyard for an aperitif. We then went to the main villa for a full tasting and DELICIOUS meal from catarina’s mom. They did an incredible job at walking us through the delicious wines. It was a brilliant evening, can’t recommend enough. Their place is beautiful, have really nailed it!


My family, my wife and I had a wonderful time with Caterina - we explored the vineyard and got to try their delicious wines and foods. Caterina also gave us some great insights into the history of the property and their day-to-day as winemakers. Also, the view from the property was one of the best during our time in Tuscany. Definitely listen to her request of proper shoes as you will take a little hike through the vineyard. Nevertheless, it was a fantastic afternoon and we would greatly recommend it to anyone coming to Tuscany!

Perfetto! The wine tour was simply perfect. Caterina was the best host you could ever ask for. Showing us around in her beautiful vineyard and telling us useful information about anything you could ever want to know about winery. The food accompanied by the wine was so delicious and made by her lovely mother. An experience you could do over and over again. Grazie mille and hope to see you soon again Caterina.


Amazing experience! The food was great and the wine was so special. Would love to come back!

This was the best experience that we have had since arriving in Italy. Between learning about the different types of soil, the sort of wine Caterina and her family produce, and the wonderful meal made by her mother…this is not something to miss. Please book this tour, you will not regret it

This place offers everything for a good holiday. Cosy and nicely decorated apartment, situated in a beautiful landscape, nearby lots of interesting cities. When the sun burn to hot you can cool down in the swimmingpool. The owners are kind and helpfull. We joined the winetour and can recommand it,

Nous avons passe un tres sejour chez catarina. Calme et reposant. Beau logement de caractére. Domaine tres bien situé au centre des différents spots de visite.

Un très beau lieu avec une piscine magnifique et très agréable. Les environs sont magnifiques et il fait bon vivre ! La propreté de l’appartement est irréprochable. Toutefois, nous avons trouvé qu’il manquait quelques essentiels de cuisine (vaisselle et ustensiles). Il est également à noter que l’appartement n’est pas très bien insonorisé, nous entendions nos voisins du dessus.. Mis à part cela, il n’y a rien à dire, nous avons grandement apprécié notre séjour en Toscane ainsi que la gentillesse, la convivialité et disponibilité de Caterina, sa mère et son père. L’expérience de la dégustation est exceptionnelle et à faire sans faute ! La dégustation est accompagnée des bons mets cuisinés par Ida, dans un cadre purement splendide. Nous avons passé une très agréable soirée.