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A couple of Newsletters a year. Three at most, no more.

Just to say hello, to tell you what’s going on in the vineyard and in thecellar, to announce upcoming eventssuch as the date of the Cena in Vigna(so you can be the very first to book!) and to offer you special discount and promotions o bring home one of our wines.
What else?


Spring 2024

back to the list of Newsletter clicca qui per la versione italiana SPRING 2024 We have left behind a tough harvest and no winter. Temperatures always above 5°C and so…

Autumn 2023

back to the Newsletter list click qui per la versione in Italiano #PDPBF23 take up to 20% off your wine purchase from November 20 to 26, 2023 AUTUMN 2023 Such…

Welcome to the PdP newsletetr

back to the list of Newsletter click here for the Italian version Newsletter PdP Why join?? because you might have tasted our wines and you want to know what happens…

Summer 2023

back to allthe Newsletter list click here for the English version SUMMER 2023 How beautiful a cold and rainy winter is. A godsend for thirsty vineyards after the dusty 2022…
Spring 2023